Saturday, October 18, 2014

Santa's Elves

So, yesterday my mom was asking me to look on to find some bedspreads that I might want for Christmas. I got online and made a wish list. I sent it to my mom today. I added some boots and perfume that I wanted as well. :) We text a little back and forth and here's how the conversation went...

Mom: I'm confused. How do you sleep under perfume or boots?
Me: It's very easy ;)
Mom: LOL, we are having a little Christmas. I like the first and third comforter. Which do you like better?
Mom: Little like not a lot of gifts.
Me: Oh I thought you meant "tiny gifts" haha jk
Mom: ha ha ha ho ho ho.
Me: Yah, I guess I'll just have to ask Santa for the rest.
Me: He always brings lots of gifts.
Mom: Santa has gone on vacation this year and the elves have the flu
Me: Santa told me he got them all flu shots!!!
Mom: Nope, I talked to them this morning.
Mom: Really it is going to be little. I don't want you to be disappointed.
Mom: Remember what Christmas is about.
Me: Oh, thanks. The Christian guilt trip. Haha!
Mom: Yep, I'm good at guilt.

So later as I am looking online I found this shocking newspaper article:

So, I quickly sent the article to my mom online and called her to hear her reaction. She was flabbergasted! She couldn't believe that article actually came out this morning! --p.s. i found a newspaper generator to create the article...she couldn't figure it out for the longest time. I was DYING I was laughing so hard! Anyways, hope you enjoyed it. :)