So typically I try to numb myself from all negative emotions...but I've been feeling a lot of different emotions lately and it has been good practice for me. This numbness that I will discuss in this post is a different type of numbness, one that comes from several novocain shots. I arrive at the dentist at precisely 8:50 am. Mind you, I HATE the dentist with a passion. I am tense and already sweating as I walk in the door. I can hardly breathe. I have an Asian dentist and the dental assistants are also all Asian. To make things better, I can barely understand a word they say, so as they ask me to open my mouth and turn my head and I don't do it, they rip my head to the side and tear open my mouth. Haha! I am exhausted just from the anticipation of the whole experience. My actual dentist comes over and rubs some stuff in my mouth (I was confused because he normally doesn't do that.) My mouth begins to tingle. As he pulls the syringe out he says, "Okay so we are doing four fillings today." I open my mouth. All the while, I am thinking, "Hmm...I don't remember having any cavities, maybe before I went to MC and I was really out of it, I went to the dentist and told me I needed to get these done. He proceeds to give me six Novocain shots in my cheeks while saying, "You will feel a little pinch." Little pinch my butt! Those things hurt! Four on the left side and two on the right side. He gets a tool out and begins tapping on my molars. All of the sudden I see a look of concern come across his face. He says, "Shoot, I'm so terribly sorry I thought you were my other patient...you are just here for a cleaning. I thought the x-rays didn't match your teeth." I was shocked and still in quite a bit of pain. The numbness began to set in. I said I was okay as the dentist (quite embarrassed) slipped away and let the Asian dental assistant deal with me. She apologized several times in her Asian accent that I could barely understand. I told her it was okay and at least I wouldn't hurt during the cleaning. I tensed up and during the cleaning I was just praying that she wasn't going to like remove any teeth or accidently give me a root canal! Haha! I was sweating and my fists were clenched. She kept asking if I was alright and I tried to say yes, but how the heck do they expect you to talk when they have two hands and tools in your mouth. Then they gave me the flouride mouthwash. Well, when half your fricken face is numb it is very difficult to swish around that stuff. I think I swallowed half of it because I'm feeling very sick to my stomach. So after the flouride treatment the dentist comes back apologizing again like crazy. He looks around my mouth and taps on my teeth and gives a little scrape scrape for good measure. Come to find out, my teeth are perfect with no cavities...I finally finished and I recieved a prize pack of toothpaste and a new toothbrush in a little baggy. As quickly as I could, I got my purse, rescheduled for my next "cleaning" and ran out the door! Now by 2:00 pm the numbness is finally starting to go away. This happened only after I have bit my cheek and toungue several times. So needless to say, I still HATE the dentist. If they are going to make a mistake, I prefer them to give me laughing gas or at least something a little more fun like Vicodin. Haha!
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