Friday, May 2, 2014

"It is for freedom that Christ set me free"

It is for freedom that Christ has set me free.
I will not return to my life of slavery.
He broke the chains that held me down so long
He’s covered every sin and every wrong
I run from prison and seek His joy and prize
I will fall down many times just to rise.
In Him I find my peace and my hope.
I will use His sword of Truth in my life to cope.
I am freed from the pain of sin and death
From the ground He formed with just a single breath
Now I breathe in His Presence as I wait
I breathe out all the darkness, death, and hate.
Satan attempts to bring me down each day
But I know the Truth, the Light, the Way.
Jesus remains my true victory
I will thank Him for paying the final fee.
He died on that cross and called me by my name
I now release my anger, pain, and shame.


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