It started when I was 3.
At 3 years old I have my first memory of being put into a sled on the back of a snowmobile due to an injury while skiing...I thought I was dead because they covered me over with a blanket and strapped me in. It was terrifying.
At age 7, I experienced my first trauma.
At age 11, my eating disorder began and I started starving myself and exercising obsessively to try and lose weight. ---->
At age 15, I admitted to having an eating disorder and began therapy for anxiety and depression.
At age 19, I failed out of IOP and I entered Lotus House (now Selah House) at my first residential eating disorder facility. This saved my life.
At age 23, after relapsing, I entered my second eating disorder residential facility of Magnolia Creek. ------>
And NOW, currently, at age 27, I have been set free from the burden of all of these plagues. I have began to trust God fully and let go of the eating disorder, trauma, and memories. God is the great redeemer of life and I am a PRISONER OF HOPE because of what Jesus did for me on the cross. (Zechariah 9).
Please remember that through these difficult times, there has been much joy and celebration as well. I have experienced times of pain, yes, but I have also experienced times of great rejoicing through my relationships with others. Thank you to all of you who have been influential in my recovery process and throughout my life. I love you all dearly!